Arie Rahamimoff
Globalization and local culture are on different sides of the same coin. While globalization dissolves boundaries, it also contributes to the dissolution of unique characteristic. While globalization encourages the exchange of knowledge and ideas, special details can often get lost in translation.
While globalization has provided me with an opportunity to work on projects in many places, my work is always inspired by the uniqueness of the site. Each project is developed in response to human and site conditions. During initial stages of exploration and research, size is not a factor. The context of a site requires extensive study regardless of whether it is in preparation for o private residence or city plan. Geography is always a stimulant rather than a constraint. Whether sited in Jerusalem, the Galilee or the Negev, there should be an active dialogue between a project, its natural surroundings and historical context.
A plan for Birgu , the ancient capital of Malta is deeply rooted in the 16th century history of the Knights of St. John. The same can be said for the regional conservation pion of 1200 towers in the Guongdong province of southern China.
In any project, the architectural work is created by collaboration with the client, colleagues in the office, and always with Salme, my partner for the last 35 years.
I was born at 6 when my parents moved from Bulgaria to Israel in 1949. After the Tel Aviv years, I went to study at the Technion in Haifa in 1960. From there I went to continue my studies in Helsinki, where I graduated in 1969. While in Finland, I worked with architect Veli Paetela for four years. With him, I also had the opportunity to spend some quality time with Alvar Alto.
After returning to Jerusalem with Salme, my traveling years began. Initially, my time was divided between the office in Jerusalem, academic activities in Haifa and the Desert Architecture until in Sede Boker. The situation soon broadened with teaching periods in Harvard, New Mexico and Stuttgart.
Lec1uring extended my travels to Europe, New Delhi, Kenya, and Mexico. Recent projects in Malta and China have taken the firm's work even further. However, geographic distance does not blur the challenge of endeavoring to address global architectural issues, while respecting each site's unique features.